Mysore (Karnataka), May 3 (IANS) EMC Data Storage Systems (India) will provide its new work flow solution to two government organisations which will be deployed by Wipro Infosystems and Daffodil Software for services delivery, said a top company official Thursday.

Rajesh Janey, president of the Bangalore-based company, told reporters here that the government of India is looking at providing eGovernance and there is a national eGovernance plan. And EMC’s ‘Saksham eGov Case Management’ solution is a step in optimising the use of technology in e-governance.

‘As government departments deploy more electronic-based citizen services, it will be important to implement automated case management work flows to speed-up services delivery and ensure transparency,’ he added.

Janey declined to disclose the departments where the solution is being deployed, stating that the tender was won by another company and EMC Data would offer its solution the contract winner.

About the solution, Sarv Saravanan, senior vice president and managing director, said the government work flow involved opening of a file, filing the papers, attaching a note sheet and the file is sent above for decision.

He said the solution developed in India spending two man-years enables the government’s decision making process on an electronic format.

‘It is built on an existing format with additional features. Around 30 percent file processing time will be saved,’ Janey added.

The solution implementing partners are Wipro Infosystems and Daffodil Software, he said.

According to him, the solution is flexible to incorporate the features the government or other organisations require.

He said as per EMC estimates the market size for work flow management in the government sector is currently at $104 million and growing at 25 percent annually.

EMC Data is a subsidiary of US-based EMC Corporation.