Chandigarh, April 19 ( If you find it difficult to remember dates like your wife’s birthday, marriage anniversary, doctor’s appointment or car’s service due date, help is at hand in form of ‘yaad – the recall’ helpline.

A city-based entrepreneur Parindsheel Dhillon Monday unveiled his unique service aimed at giving alerts about important dates and events to clients.

“We all forget important dates for different reasons. This service will cushion your memory and will remind you of everything. It is not just about birthdays or anniversary reminders but a customized task reminder solution for anything and everything,” Dhillon told reporters here.

“I am targeting men over 40 years of age who are either not familiar with the options available in technology or cannot access it due to their busy schedules. We will remind them the dates through SMS, e-mails, phone calls or whichever way they want,” he said.

Dhillon, 28, who has done his MBA from Britain, is offering different packages to his customers like there are one-year, two-year, five-year and corporate packages.

In the beginning he has invested Rs.500,000 in this venture and started only from the tri-city of Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali towns.

“Depending on the response, we will expand the service,” he said.