Shimla, Jan 3 ( By distributing compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) to 16.5 lakh households, Himachal Pradesh conserved about 270 million units of energy worth Rs.1 billion (Rs.100 crore) in a year.

Under the scheme, Atal Bijli Bachat Yojana, named after former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, a pack of four CFLs were provided each to 16.5 lakh domestic consumers in the state free of cost.

“The Atal Bijli Bachat Yojana has enabled us to conserve about 270 million units worth Rs.1 billion (Rs.100 crore) in a year. It a great energy-conservation drive,” Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal told Inditop.

He said the hill state was the first state in the country to adopt this scheme.

“We have been the first state in the country which has successfully implemented a scheme aimed at efficient energy saving. Under the scheme, all the domestic consumers have been provided four CFL bulbs. It has benefited 16.5 lakh households,” said Dhumal, who also hold the power portfolio.

The Atal Bijli Bachat Yojana was launched in November 2008. A pack of four CFLs – two each of 15 watt and 20 watt – were provided to every household.

The chief minister said the scheme has not only benefited the households but also enabled the government to earn revenue.

“The scheme benefited not only the consumers with reduced power bills of 25-30 percent but also the state to earn revenue by selling the saved (domestic) power to commercial consumers,” Dhumal said.

“Now, efforts are on to motivate the commercial users to use CFL lights. Our priority is energy conservation which would not only result in monetary gains but also help reduction of carbon emissions.”

Himachal Pradesh has already taken various initiatives towards earning carbon credits and saving the environment. The government has community-driven plantation schemes to boost its depleting green cover.

The government imposed a total ban on the production, storage, use, sale and distribution of all types of polythene bags made of non-biodegradable material in the state Oct 2.

The state has also imposed a voluntary ‘green tax’ on all vehicle users with cabinet ministers deciding to contribute Rs.100 per month towards creating the corpus.