Chennai, Aug 28 (IANS) The commerce ministry has called an meeting of officials of the agriculture, commerce and textiles ministries Sep 1 to discuss cotton exports, an official said Saturday.

‘The meeting has been called to fix the export quota of cotton after deciding on the domestic demand and the production,’ Commerce Secretary Rahul Khullar told reporters here on the sidelines of an exporters meet.

The central government has decided to lift restrictions on cotton exports from Oct 1.

Khullar said the textiles and agriculture ministries would be asked to submit the demand and production figures respectively. The excess supply over demand will be allowed to be exported without duty.

Cotton production is expected to go up slightly to 5.1 million tonne in 2010-11 as against 5.01 million tonne last year. The domestic demand is expected to touch 4.59 million tonne.

Khullar said the ‘Made in India’ roadshow is slated to be held in Johannesburg next week.

Queried about the government’s plans to ease restrictions on exports of food items, he said a call will be taken in September after the production estimates come in.