Thiruvananthapuram, Jan 27 ( Technopark-based PIT Software Solutions and Services Company Wednesday extended its partnership with the Swiss Federal Institute’s (EPFL) Brain Mind Institute to provide comprehensive IT support to the famed Blue Brain project.

The Blue Brain Project is the first comprehensive attempt to reverse-engineer the mammalian brain, in order to understand brain function and dysfunction through detailed simulations.

According to Henry Markram, director of the Swiss Federal Institute’s (EPFL) Brain Mind Institute, who heads the Blue Brain project, the mysteries of the mind can be solved soon.

“The project involves an attempt to build a computerized copy of a brain, starting with a rat’s brain, and then progressing to a human brain, inside one of the world’s most powerful computers. This, it is hoped, will bring into being a mind that will be able to think, reason, express will, lay down memories and perhaps even experience love, anger, sadness, pain and joy,” says Markram.

The project will be extended all support related to IT by PIT Solutions.

Rafeek K. Mohammed and Thomaskutty Sebastian, co-founders of PIT Solutions, said the new partnership would enable PIT Solutions to enter an exciting and niche area in software development business.

“As part of the new partnership, PIT Solutions will deploy its IT infrastructure and expertise in supporting the various research programmes that are being undertaken as part of the Blue Brain Project,” said Mohammed.

Into its 10th year of operations, PIT Solutions excel in building web portals, implementing content management systems, and complex workflow applications.