Kolkata, Feb 9 (Inditop.com) The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) would make life cycle analysis (LCA) compulsory for environment clearance to projects within the next six months, its chief said here Tuesday.

“LCA should be done for all DPRs (detailed project reports) for environment clearance. In another six months at the maximum, it will be made mandatory,” CPCB chairman S.P. Gautam told reporters on the sidelines of the Third North East and East Power Summit 2010 organised by Indian Chamber of Commerce.

Gautam said the board is also coming out with geospatial-based (GPS) environment monitoring system soon.

“In another four to five months, we will have geospatial-based information system in place to map the pollution load of different industries and different areas. This may prick some polluting industries,” he said.

The board has already identified 17 industrial sectors, including thermal power, as major polluting industries.

It has also chalked out a comprehensive environment pollution index and surveyed the pollution levels of 88 industrial clusters across the country.

“Out of the 88 clusters, 43 were found to be critically polluting,” Gautam said.

“The critically polluted areas or industrial clusters were given a moratorium till August this year so that CPCB in consultation with the respective state pollution control boards or committees can finalise a time-bound action plan for reducing the pollution level in these areas,” he added.