New Delhi, Dec 8 ( Indian Railways’ earnings jumped 8.74 percent in the first eight months this fiscal to Rs.55,586.69 crore ($12 billion) as compared with Rs.51,117.55 crore in the like period last year.

The total goods earnings during April-November this year went up 8.56 percent to Rs.37,337.46 crore from Rs.34,394.97 crore in the corresponding period last year, the railways said.

Its passenger revenue earnings during the period stood at Rs.15,597.44 crore as against Rs.14,440.92 crore in the year-ago period, registering a growth of 8.01 percent.

The revenue earnings from other coach services were Rs.1,501.62 crore, 15.71 percent up from Rs.1,297.69 crore the railways reported during April-November 2008.

The railways have also seen a 4.67 percent jump in the number of passengers it carried during the period at 4,937.73 million, up from 4,717.56 million a year ago.