New Delhi, Aug 28 ( Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Friday said a task force is being set to look into issues relating to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) and that it would submit its recommendations in three months.

“I have issued directions for constituting a task force that would look into the difficulties still being faced by this sector,” the prime minister said at an event organised by the MSME sector here.

“After the recommendations of the task force are available, we will decide how to further move ahead to provide relief and support to this important sector,” Manmohan Singh added.

The prime minister also said the sector was critical for the national economy as it provided employment to nearly 60 million people, and contributed over 45 percent of the total manufactured output and 40 percent of India’s exports earnings.

“Let me assure each one of you that your concerns will continue to receive our government’s very serious and honest consideration,” the prime minister said.

“The growth and good health of these enterprises is therefore not only crucial for our economy as a whole, but also for protecting the livelihood and well being of a very large section of our people,” he added.