Bhubaneswar, Jan 19 ( Hundreds of tribal villagers opposing the construction of a road clashed with police near an industrial area in Orissa’s Jajpur district Tuesday, said an official.

Tribal villagers of Baligotha village under Kalinga Nagar police station area started pelting stones at construction workers and police near the Kalinga Nagar Industrial Area.

The villagers, organised under the Bisthapan Birodhi Janamanch (anti-eviction peoples’ front), were armed with bows and arrows. The police fired a few rounds in the air and lobbed tear gas at the villagers.

“We were constructing a road there when some people opposed us, leading to the clash,” said Dhiren Das, collector of Jajpur district.

Extra police forces have been rushed to the area.

The road was being built by Jajpur Cluster Development Ltd.

In January 2006, 14 people were killed in the state in firing by police during a protest by villagers against acquisition of land for industry.