New Delhi, Jan 21 ( As many as 331 complaints were filed by women against their Non Resident Indian (NRI) husbands in a year with the highest number of 87 reported from Punjab, National Commission for Women (NCW) chairperson Girija Vyas said Thursday.

“About 331 women approached Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs with complaints of harassment by their husbands settled abroad,” Vyas said at a press conference.

According to Vyas, the highest number of 87 cases were reported from Punjab followed by 59 from Delhi and 32 from Andhra Pradesh.

“Country wise, the highest, 130 complaints, were against NRIs settled in the US followed by 44 from UK and 37 from Canada,” she said.

Vyas said the NRI cell formed by the NCW in August, 2009 has received 177 complaints.

“Action has been taken in 125 of the 177 complaints received by the NRI cell. About seven cases have been put on hold on the request of the complainant,” she said.

The NRI cell was launched to tackle the problem of increasing cases of abandonment and divorce of women married to overseas Indians.

Vyas said we want the central government to form a comprehensive separate legislation for NRI affairs, which will address – matrimonial, maintenance of spouses and children, child custody, adoption, settlement of matrimonial property and transfer of property.

“The government should effectively represent to governments of all foreign countries, more specifically where there is a big NRI presence, to give effect to the spirit of Article 10 of Hague Convention of 1968 and judgments Convention of European Community 1968 which gives the freedom to contracting nations to refuse to recognize a divorce or legal separation passed in a foreign country,” she said.