Kochi (Kerala), Oct 8 (Inditop.com) For 23-year-old Manju it was a dream marriage come true. But her love affair with her husband Binu, 30, came to an ugly end when he dumped her after selling her kidney and married another woman. Now Manju, who lives near here, is minus one kidney and has a child.

Speaking to Inditop Thursday, Manju said she first met Binu in 2004 and slowly they became close. They then eloped to Coimbatore that year and stayed there for a few months.

“Then we returned to Kottayam and stayed there at my friend’s home,” Manju said.

“Binu said he would look for work and left me. I gave birth to a baby boy in 2006. Then we lost contact, but he returned again in 2008 and told my mother that he would take care of me. I left with him for Kochi where we were staying,” said Manju.

“Later after a few months he told me he wanted to help a family friend who was suffering from kidney-related problems. He asked me to donate a kidney,” she added.

“Initially I resisted but when he began harassing me and our son I finally relented and one of my kidneys was taken out at a private hospital in Thiruvananthapuram. After I recovered from the surgery, I learnt that Binu was missing. I made inquiries with the person who had received my kidney and realised that I had been duped. Binu had sold my kidney for Rs.5 lakh,” rued Manju.

After that Manju has not met Binu, but has found out that he has married another woman from Kottayam district.

“I have approached Chief Minister V.S. Achuthanandan and Home Minister Kodiyeri Balakrishnan with a written complaint and am seeking justice,” said Manju.