Los Angeles, Feb 6 (DPA) A lawyer for Michael Jackson’s personal physician accused police Friday of attempting to orchestrate a “show and parade” over his client’s expected arraignment on involuntary manslaughter charges.

Lawyer Ed Chernoff told the Los Angeles Times that negotiations with authorities over his client’s surrender had broken down after police insisted he be taken into custody and handcuffed prior to his expected court appearance Friday afternoon.

“I told them there is no way that I’m going to let my client sit in jail so you can have your show and parade him into court in handcuffs,” Chernoff said. “That’s when they pulled the plug.”

The arraignment of Murray is expected to set in motion what is certain to be one of the most closely watched trials in the US since Jackson himself was in the dock on child sex charges in 2005.

Murray has acknowledged giving Jackson the hospital anesthetic Propofol as a sleeping aid shortly before he suffered a massive cardiac arrest that led to his death. Jackson died aged 50 on June 25, 2009, shortly before he was due to begin a widely anticipated

comeback tour.

Prosecutors have not yet announced the charges to be brought against Murray, but widespread reports indicate that he will be charged with involuntary manslaughter. Jackson’s family has called for a second-degree murder charge to be filed, arguing that Murray should have known that his actions could have led to Jackson’s death.

“Michael Jackson was someone who we knew was in danger of being brought to his knees, brought to his death, by the use of these medications,” Jackson family attorney Brian Oxman said Wednesday.