Lucknow, Dec 17 (Inditop) A suspected Pakistan Military Intelligence (PMI) agent was arrested by the Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS) of the state police here Wednesday, officials said.”Abdul Jabbar alias Sikander was arrested late Tuesday night from the Charbagh locality of the city and the police are interrogating him to extract more information,” Additional Director General of Police (ATS, Crime, Law and Order) Brijlal told reporters in Lucknow.

Jabbar is a native of Meethadhar Kharadhar in Karachi and a passport made on a fake identity which showed him to be belonging to Gujarat has been recovered, officials said.

“We have also recovered maps and prohibited documents of the Indian Army, Indian Air Force and Indian Navy from his possession and Jabbar also confessed to passing on this information via mobile and Internet,” Brijlal said.

“During initial interrogation, Jabbar revealed that besides imparting training to him for nine months in Pakistan, the PMI also promised to take care of his family in Karachi while he would be in India,” he said.

“Jabbar was ferried to Kathmandu from where he was trespassed into India via the porous Indo-Nepal border,” Brijlal added.

“We hope to extract more information from him during the interrogation and more arrests are likely soon,” he said.