Your man will be from?
I myself do not know whether he exists or not! (laughs) Please find him out for me and do let me know.
That means you are not on a look-out!
No, I have no time right now as I am concentrating on my career. I will think when the time comes.
Any particular image of your man?

A man who knows how to live with all the shortcomings keeping in mind the ethical values of society.
How would he be ? Man with Brain or Brawn!
Obviously, with Brain.
Bearded or clean-shaven?
Clean-shaven, please.
Would he be a metrosexual man?
That’s his wish. But, yes, he should live within the norms and ways of society. I have no such intentions of getting inclined to a metrosexual man.
And what if he is a bisexual?
The very thought of sharing my beloved with anybody else irritates me. I will definitely leave him.
Can you love one, and have sex with another?
Never, I can never ever dream about it!