Mumbai, May 29 (Inditop) Director Karan Johar’s birthday bash turned out to be an occasion for a grand reunion between Bollywood stars Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Kareena Kapoor. The two giggled and danced together, ending the long-standing cold war between the Bachchan and the Kapoor families.

The birthday party on Monday evening saw Aishwarya and Kareena laughing, giggling, whispering and behaving like two long-lost friends, adding that extra zing to Karan’s glamour-gorged bash.

The women also took to the dance floor together and ended the cold war between the two families that started when Aishwarya’s hubby Abhishek Bachchan broke his relationship with Kareena’s sister Karisma.

The break-up between Abhishek and Karisma also severed relationship between the Bachchan and Kapoor families.

But the two families began to resolve their differences after the recent efforts of Aishwarya and Karan Johar.

During the release of Abhishek’s “Drona” last year, director Goldie Behl also invited Kareena and her sister to the premiere for a patch up. But perhaps the wounds hadn’t healed completely. Karan’s party on Monday did the trick.

Kareena said recently she loved the way Aishwarya conducted her career after marriage and would love to conduct her career the same way.

Now after the dance of rapprochement it’s only a matter of time before Abhishek and Kareena come together again for a film after “Refugee” and “Main Prem Ki Deewani Hoon”.

And chances are Karan Johar would design the project.