Bollywood actor Fardeen Khan, who has been married for over four years, dressed up as a groom again and led a marriage procession, but this time to promote his upcoming film “Dulha Mil Gaya”.

The actor got on a chariot and came to a shopping mall here Sunday along with other cast members including Johnny Lever, Suchitra Pillai, Tara Sharma and debutant Mohit Chadda. The procession started from Lokhandwala and continued to the mall located in Oshiwara.

The procession was welcomed with much fanfare and Fardeen met his on-screen bride Ishitta Sharrma.

While Fardeen was seen enjoying and interacting with the public and media during the procession, the onlookers also danced to the title track “Dulha mil gaya”.

Directed by Muddassar Aziz, “Dulha Mil Gaya” also features Sushmita Sen in a pivotal role and boasts of an extended cameo by superstar Shah Rukh Khan.

The film releases Friday.