Mumbai, Dec 6 (Inditop) Versatile actor Irrfan Khan has a lead role in the first Hindi film being directed by a Hollywood director. Mallika Sherawat plays a man-eating creature in Jennifer Lynch’s “Hisss” and the actor says he would love to be devoured by her.“She plays a man-eating creature. She swallows men in the film. And I’m just dying to be swallowed by her. Watching her devour men is a very, very sensuous process. Unfortunately, I don’t get eaten by her. I’m the investigative officer trying to find out who’s devouring all these human beings,” Irrfan told Inditop.

Irrfan says the special effects in the movie are awesome.

“I’m working in ‘Hisss’ with two very different and interesting kinds of women, Mallika and Jennifer. ‘Hisss’ would’ve been like any other snake-woman story. But the way Jennifer has treated the story has taken the film to another level. The special effects will shock our audiences. I think Jennifer’s film inspired Ramu (Ram Gopal Varma) to make ‘Agyaat’. High time we got special effects guys from abroad to do the needful,” he said.

The actor has been travelling a lot lately – first he was in Philadelphia shooting for Kabir Khan’s “New York” and then in Cape Town for Sanjay Gupta’s “Acid Factory”.

“I love the US. And I loved working with Kabir Khan. He’s a very chilled out guy. I felt as relaxed as I do while working in a Mira Nair film abroad.”

Irrfan’s just released “Dil Kabbadi” offers him a change of image.

“I’m not going to pretend. ‘Dil Kabaddi’ is a film strictly for adults. And we shouldn’t shy away from saying this. It’s about dishonesty in man-woman relationships. I call it dishonesty by the standards set by civil society.

“Sometimes you are not satisfied in one relationship and keep looking for sexual and emotional satisfaction elsewhere. I like playing this promiscuous character. I play a man who’s very transparent about his sexual desires. Good change of pace for me,” Irrfan said.