London, Jan 7( When comic actor Russell Brand proposed to singer Katy Perry on their visit to India, he planned it in true desi style by buying an Indian dress and arranging a horse carriage and an elephant ride for his girlfriend.

Brand proposed to Perry in a romantic ceremony at the luxurious Taj Rambagh Palace Hotel in Jaipur. He planned every detail of the New Year’s eve encounter including Perry’s dress for the evening, reports

Brand took the singer to an ancient fort and bought her a $960 traditional Indian dress for the night.

“He had organised a special dining experience. We set a table in a garden with candles everywhere. They arrived in a horse and carriage with a glass of champagne and we served them dinner. At midnight they enjoyed fireworks while sitting on an elephant, which Mr. Brand specially requested. Then they were taken to the Mughal Garden – which was decorated by flowers and candlelight,” revealed a hotel worker.

“Mr. Brand had given his butler the diamond ring to hide among the flowers. Miss Perry found it, he proposed, and she immediately said ‘Yes’. After that they requested 45 minutes’ privacy. They looked like they were beautifully in love,” the worker added.

After the proposal, the duo went straight to the presidential suite of the palace-turned-hotel.

Their wedding is expected to take place in the next six months.