Mumbai, Oct 24 (Inditop) While shooting for “Blue” in Phuket, Sanjay Dutt got several film offers and finally he zeroed on three films – Anees Bazmi’s action comedy, Milan Luthria’s underworld drama and Ramesh Sippy’s next.”Anees Bazmi has signed Baba (Sanjay) for an action-comedy that will have two other heroes. Milan Luthria came and narrated a subject with the underworld in the backdrop. Baba has agreed to do that as well,” Dharam Oberoi, CEO of Sanjay Dutt Productions, told Inditop.

“Ekta Kapoor’s uncle Ramesh Sippy too has pencilled in Baba for another project,” added Oberoi.

David Dhawan too went to Phuket to meet Sanjay with a film offer. Clearly then, the actor is on a signing spree.

“His dates are booked until the end of 2010. And 2011 is fast getting blocked. This is the best phase of Baba’s life. And I’m so glad to be part of it. He’s enjoying life and working hard,” Oberoi said.

Bazmi, Luthria and Sippy flew down to Phuket to finalise deals with Sanjay and the actor Sanjay had all the visitors parked in a specially-hired cruiser while he shot in the ocean. Ravi Walia too joined them.

Oberoi’s actress-daughter Neha too flew in to give company to Sanjay’s wife Maanyata.

“The number of men there far exceeded the women. Maanyata bhabhi needed some female company, so I got Neha along.”

Apparently, Maanyata and Oberoi’s daughter get along exceedingly well and are now happy bonding in the blue expanse while Dutt shoots and meets up with filmmakers from Mumbai.