Kolhapur (Maharashtra), Aug 3 (IANS) A year after Influenza A (H1N1) claimed India’s first victim in Pune, the Maharashtra government Tuesday suspended three doctors, citing irregularities and negligence in duties in treating patients.

‘I have suspended one doctor and asked the dean of the hospital to suspend the other two doctors of the Chhatrapati Pramila Raje Hospital,’ Kolhapur district collector Lakshmikant Deshmukh told IANS.

Those suspended are Prakash Bhoi, Smita Sarudkar and Anushka Vaikar.

‘I suspended Bhoi as he kept referring swine flu patients to his own private hospital and other private clinics which charged high fees, inspite of the government hospital having facilities to treat swine flu patients,’ Deshmukh said.

The other doctors were suspended on the basis of irregular presence and negligence in treating patients in the hospital.

‘The collector heads the swine flu committee in the district. He had been hearing complaints about doctors not taking proper care of patients and making them wait for long hours before they could be diagnosed,’ said Ravindra Nitturkar, the district civil surgeon of the hospital.

‘The collector today (Tuesday) checked the hospital schedule with the presence of the doctors. Those who were found to be irregular, were suspended,’ Nitturkar added.

Nitturkar also said that there were five swine flu deaths in Kolhapur since July 18 and that the collector was bound to take action against the defaulting doctors.