London, April 4 ( Experts fear rogue silicone used in some breast-enhancement implants is at serious risk of bursting.

The material made by French company Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) has been banned by France and Sweden as experts believe that the gel used in the implants could cause inflammation problems in the breast area, reports

British plastic surgeons have now been urged to stop using the PIP product.

Though the official Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), who are investigating the material, say they have no proof yet that it is harmful.

The agency’s Susanne Ludgate said: “Clinicians should not implant these devices and they should quarantine any stock. Patients who have concerns about their PIP silicone gel-filled breast implants should contact their implant surgeon. Once we receive further information, we will provide further advice.”

There were nearly 8,500 breast operations in the UK last year.