London, April 24 ( Michelle McGee, alleged mistress of Sandra Bullock’s biker husband Jesse James, has invited the Hollywood actress to meet her for a one-on-one chat saying she wants to help.

Michelle is adamant she can help “heal” Sandra from the pain of her marital crisis. The alleged mistress is eager to clear the air with Sandra following claims that she had an 11-month fling with Jesse.

“I would like to sit down with Sandra and speak one-on-one. I’d let her ask me questions and I would be honest and open with her about the affair. If that would help her heal, I would do it,” quoted her as saying.

Earlier this month, Michelle said she had assumed that Jesse was separated from Sandra when she embarked on a steamy fling.

“I feel like I was duped and lied to just as much as Sandra was. If Jesse was upfront with me in the beginning, we wouldn’t be in this situation. I wouldn’t have been with him if he was honest from the beginning.

“I feel bad for Sandra. I know what she’s going through. She must be hurt, devastated, upset, embarrassed.

“I want to give her a heartfelt apology. I’m sorry for her embarrassment and her pain. I do feel really bad about it. I’m sorry all this is public,” she added.