Los Angeles, March 28 (Inditop.com) Hollywood couple Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore have launched a new campaign to put an end to child slavery in Haiti.

In an interview with social media site Mashable, they spoke out against the Haitian system of “restavec,” in which a child is sent to work as a servant for another family – which the couple said prevents them from obtaining an education and other opportunities during their developing years, reports accesshollywood.com.

The couple’s Demi & Ashton Foundation is sponsoring an effort to convince participants at a March 31 UN meeting to donate to the earthquake-ravaged nation with the insistence that the restavec system be banned.

“Let’s support the Haitian people, but let’s support them the right way, and let’s support all of them; don’t forget about the 300,000 children that are enslaved,” Kutcher told the website.

The actor added that he won’t be alone – he hopes to drum up support on Twitter and sites like Mashable.

“It’s going to take a lot of loud voices,” he said.

TV One Access correspondent Quddus has been one of them, supporting the Free The Slaves organization and joining Demi and Ashton at last December’s Freedom Awards.

Now, the Hollywood stars are hoping others will pitch in, as well.

“It’s about creating the awareness that draws the line of what’s acceptable and unacceptable,” Moore told Mashable. “Any human being enslaved is unacceptable. As long as one is enslaved, then we are all enslaved. It’s an atrocity to stand by and let this happen.”