Sydney, Feb 5 (DPA) David Kiely, the Australian banker fighting to save his job after being filmed ogling snaps of Miranda Kerr in a prime-time news bulletin about interest rates, received her support Friday.

The lingerie model, British actor Orlando Bloom’s Sydney-born girlfriend, has joined the international Save Dave campaign.

Kiely was marched from the trading room of Macquarie Bank after being seen in the background viewing revealing shots while a colleague was talking to camera on Tuesday.

The clip became a massive YouTube hit and whipped up pressure on Sydney-based Macquarie to keep him on.

“I am told there is a petition to save his job and of course I would sign it,” Kerr was quoted as saying.

Bank bosses have huddled all week to decide Kiely’s fate. Some argue that he has damaged the investment bank’s reputation and some say he has enhanced it.

“Hopefully management at Mac Bank will see this for what it is – trivial,” said a posting on the Save Dave blog run by London-based financial services website

Macquarie has been showered with thousands of emails urging it to give its hapless client investment manager a second chance.

“I used to work with Dave, and he is definitely a good bloke,” another posting said. “The pics were harmless and Mac Bank should stand by him.”