Celebrity chef JAMIE OLIVER has been slammed by animal rights groups for castrating a bull during an upcoming TV show.

The Brit will be seen pinning down the animal during a to-be aired episode of his new six-part series, Jamie’s American Road Trip, which debuted last week (ends04Sep09).

But animal welfare organisations have criticised Oliver for undertaking such a “vicious and grotesque” act, while championing himself as an animal welfare advocate.

Director of Animal Aid, Andrew Taylor, says, “The public is convinced Jamie Oliver is the real deal but hopefully this barbaric act will open their eyes to the fact he is a phony when it comes to animal welfare. He pretends he cares about animals but this makes an utter mockery of that.

“Castrating cattle in this way is vicious and grotesque and he’s giving credibility to an ugly trade. If he thinks this is good prime time TV he has been duped.”

Phil Brooke from the Compassion in World Farming also blasted the television star, saying, “Jamie Oliver is taking part in something that’s not only cruel but is also illegal in this country. If he is screening it to condemn it then I can understand why it would be shown. But if castration is just shown for the sake of it then it is cruel and utterly unacceptable TV.”

Oliver’s spokesperson has defended the act, explaining Oliver is simply trying to educate people about different aspects of America on the show: “Jamie is on his American road trip to observe and to learn and to show the viewing public some parts of America they might not know about.

“Jamie is well known for his championing of better welfare for animals and has had awards from many animal welfare groups.”