London, May 4 ( Actress Sandra Bullock may have a “bittersweet” relationship with estranged husband Jesse James but says she would want him to be a part of her adopted son’s life.

The Oscar-winning actress had recently adopted three-month-old Louis from New Orleans.

“I have a different relationship with Jesse now. A bittersweet one. One of new understanding. One of forgiveness. One of support for his recovery. One that changed my life,” quoted her as saying.

“I don’t really know how our paths will intersect in the future, but the father I have known Jesse to be with all the kids is one that I hope Louis can experience one day, no matter how Jesse and I go on with our lives,” she added.

Talking about her future plans, she said: “I will be adopting as a single parent. Anything else will be taken day by day.”