New Delhi, Dec 1 (IANS) With the onset of the wedding season, Delhi Police Wednesday asked the residents of the city to strictly adhere to guidelines on marriage processions issued by the Delhi High Court or face strict action for violations.

In advertisements issued in major dailies, Delhi Police said marriage processions on road create traffic congestion.

‘Traffic congestion on road can have serious consequences like delay in emergency services, delay in reaching railway stations, airport and other destinations,’ the police said.

According to the police, processions, horses, horse-drawn carriages, bands and lights are not allowed on the road and people should not obstruct carriageways either by dancing or parking their vehicles in a haphazard way.

‘The function venue must have the parking space to accommodate all the vehicles as no parking outside the venue is allowed. In addition, no firecrackers should be used on the road and people should refrain from using loudspeakers/loud music after 10 p.m.,’ the advisory said.

It added that the function must have the ‘No objection certificate’ from the traffic police and civic agencies concerned, and eschew illegal stationing of generators and catering vans outside the venue.

‘Meanwhile, detailed guidelines have been issued by the Delhi High Court. If there is any violation, the organiser of the function shall be held responsible and proceedings shall be initiated against him,’ it warned.