New Delhi, Dec 3 (IANS) Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, Saturday said anger was harmful and compassion was the key to happiness.

‘During the crisis in 2008, I wished I could take Chinese officers’ anger and fear – and give my compassion to them. Compassion helps your mind remain calm,’ the Dalai Lama said in response to a query at the fifth Penguin Annual Lecture in the capital.

In 2008, Tibet was rocked by riots in which even the monks went on rampage. The riots even spread to monasteries outside the Tibet Autonomous Region. China reportedly accused the Dalai Lama of fanning the protests.

The Dalai Lama, who addressed over 1,500 people about ‘The Art of Happiness’ at the fifth Penguin Annual Lecture, however, refused to be drawn into any political controversy over China.

The presence of the spiritual leader at a recent Global Buddhist Congregation Nov 27-30 had sparked a virtual row between India and China after the latter objected to the spiritual leader’s presence at the congregation.

The controversy led to the 15th round of border talks between the two countries scheduled around that time being postponed.