New Delhi, July 5 (IANS) The interrogation of Abu Jindal Hamza, an Indian national arrested for the 26/11 strike, had confirmed that the terror attack was being controlled from Pakistan, union Home Minister P. Chidambaram said Wednesday.

“We now know how the control room functioned. So I think the dots are being connected. It is no longer possible for anyone to deny that the incident happened in Mumbai but the control of the incident, before and during the incident was in Pakistan,” Chidamabram said here.
The interrogation of Jindal, alias Syed Zabiuddin, showed how the control room of the Mumbai terror attack functioned, the minister said.
He also said the government would seek the extradition of software engineer Fasih Mehmood, wanted in several terror cases, from Saudi Arabia.
“We have received information about Fasih’s detention in Saudi Arabia. Steps will be taken to extradite him,” Chidambaram told reporters adding the Central Bureau of Investigation had issued a red corner notice on the matter.
Jindal, from Beed in Maharashtra, has confessed to being amongst those directing the 10 Pakistani terrorists who docked in Mumbai on the night of Nov 26, 2008, sources in the investigation team have said.
He was arrested at the airport in Delhi June 21 after his deportation from Saudi Arabia.
Jindal is being interrogated by several investigating teams, including the Intelligence Bureau, Maharashtra Anti-Terrorist Squad team and a special Delhi Police team.
–Indo-Asian News service