New Delhi, April 6 (IANS) With the nine-phased Lok Sabha polls beginning Monday, the Election Commission Sunday drew the attention of the media to its notification on the ban on exit and opinion polls till the conclusion of voting.

The poll panel, which had issued a notification April 3, released advertisements in some dailies Sunday about the ban.
“Attention of the general public, especially news bureaus, media houses, radio and TV channels, is drawn towards the Election Commission’s notification April 3 regarding ban on exit polls and opinion polls and any other poll survey in print or electronic media or its dissemination in any other manner whatsoever,” said the advertisement issued by Delhi’s chief electoral officer.
Five of the 14 constituencies in Assam and one of the two in Tripura will see polling Monday. It will be followed by eight more rounds of voting till May 12.
The poll panel had said in the notification that there will be a ban on conducting exit polls and publishing or publicising results of an exit poll about the elections to the Lok Sabha and assemblies of Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha and Sikkim and by-elections in some states between 7 a.m. April 7 and 6.30 p.m. May 12.
Displaying any election matter, including results of any opinion poll or any other survey, in any electronic media would be prohibited 48 hours before the conclusion of the poll in respective areas.
The panel referred to existing provisions in the Representation of People’s Act on the prohibition on exit and opinion polls.
