New Delhi, Dec 29 (IANS) Ravidas Camp, a south Delhi slum which is home to four of the six gang-rapists, was seething with anger Saturday over the 23-year-old victim’s death as some residents pressed for hanging the culprits and described them as “wolves”.

“Ram Singh must be hanged as such wolves deserve nothing less than that,” area resident and Class 10 student Pooja Yadav told IANS.
“Our heads hang in shame today because of the despicable act of these boys. They must reap what they have sown,” said Rajji, a woman in her 20s.
The unnamed and unidentified gang-rape victim who became the face of courage against savage odds died in a Singapore hospital Saturday. The ghastly incident took place Dec 16 in a moving bus driven by Ram Singh. All the six accused, including the driver, have been arrested.
The homes of Ram Singh, fruit seller Pawan Gupta, gym instructor Vinay Sharma and Ram Singh’s brother Mukesh are situated in the labyrinth by-lanes of this slum cluster which houses nearly 300 houses in the R.K. Puram area.
At Ram Singh’s house, a lock hung on a green wooden door in the afternoon.
Kamla, who is in her 40s, told IANS that she wanted to join the protests. “I wish I could go to India Gate to join the cause but I fear I might be outcast if people come to know that I am from Ravidas Camp.”
The house of Vinay was also seemed deserted. Neighbours said his family members left the city to save themselves from the ignominy.
Neetu, a neighbour of Vinay, said: “I saw Vinay grow up and I cannot believe it. The incident has shocked all of us. I don’t know how will I get my children admitted to a school as the incident has earned a bad name to this place (Ravidas Camp).”
Another area teenager Poonam demanded that all the accused from the slum to be hanged.
But some residents are living in fear. Nageshwar, 42, a resident of the slum, said: “You never know when a mob may attack the slum and torch or ransack our houses. But we want to say that we are as angry as the whole nation. We want them to be hanged.”