Shimla, Aug 30 ( After judges in Delhi and Kerala, judges of the Himachal Pradesh High Court have also decided to follow the footsteps of Supreme Court justices and make their assets public, a court official said Sunday.

“A decision to declare assets has been taken unanimously by all the nine judges, including acting Chief Justice R.B. Mishra, after the apex court judges’ resolve to make public their assets,” V.K. Sharma, registrar general of the high court, told Inditop.

He said the list of the assets to be declared by the judges would be put up on the high court website for scrutiny at the earliest.

“We are awaiting the guidelines that have been finalised by the apex court in this regard. As soon as we get these, the list (of assets of the judges) would be put on the high court website,” he said.

The Himachal Pradesh High Court had adopted a resolution in 2008 that all judges should declare assets and investments in their name or in the name of their spouse.

The high court’s decision follows a similar move by judges of the Supreme Court who decided Wednesday that the details of their assets would be publicised and put on the website of the apex court. The meeting was presided over by Chief Justice K.G. Balakrishnan.