Kolkata, May 6 (IANS) US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Sunday met representatives of a number of non-government organisations working towards preventing human trafficking and offered help to them while lauding their work.

“She is a very warm person. She was very happy with our work and congratulated us saying ‘keep up the spirit’. She enquired about the problems the NGOs are facing, and also inspired us with her words,” Sohini Chakrabarty, director of NGO Kolkata Sanved, told IANS.
“She reached out to all with her kind and encouraging words and even offered her help. She said ‘I will look into how can I help you people’,” said Chakrabarty.
The former US first lady spent around 40 minutes at the Indian Council for Cultural Relations’ Rabindranath Tagore Centre in central Kolkata, talking to the representatives of nine NGOs who had set up stalls displaying their work.
Sanlaap, Bangla Natok.com, Save the children, Apnay Aap were among the NGOs whose representatives she met.
She was also all praise for the seven rescued young women who presented a four minute dance show.
“She thoroughly enjoyed the show and personally greeted the girls. She said she was very excited to see them perform,” Chakrabarty said.