New Delhi, Nov 26 ( The Delhi High Court Thursday cancelled Lotika Sarkar’s gift deed bequeathing her house in upmarket Hauz Khas to Preeti Dhoundial, wife of a police official, and asked the 87-year-old former Delhi University law faculty professor to stay there.
Justice S.N. Dhingra cancelled the gift deed after a mutual agreement took place in the court between Sarkar and Dhoundial.
“I am ready to give the house to my Monu Massi (Lotika) if she asks me personally,” Preeti told the court.
On this, the court asked Lotika and she replied, “Yes I want my house back.”
The court asked the Delhi Police to open the seal of the house, worth around Rs.50 million, and let Sarkar stay in it. The court also restrained any NGO from interfering in the affairs of Sarkar, the widow of journalist Chanchal Sarkar.
The court also quashed all proceedings in the case that are pending in the tribunal set up under the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007.
The tribunal had last month ordered Sarkar to stay in her house and directed the deputy commissioner of police (south district) to immediately evict the Dhoundials from her house.
A tussle over the ownership of the house in south Delhi came into the limelight after a national daily highlighted the octogenerian Sarkar’s plight and the fight between Dhoundial and another caretaker regarding ownership of the property. Both claim that Lotika Sarkar had bequeathed them the house.