Mumbai, June 30 (IANS) Rapid quantitative growth of the print and electronic media in the country in the last two decades has not been matched by qualitative improvement, Maharashtra Governor K. Sankaranarayanan has said.

Calling upon the media organisations to ‘maintain the sanctity of the printed word’, he said at the Trusted Brand Awards function organised by The Reader’s Digest late Tuesday that the pressures of market forces and competition were giving rise to unhealthy trends in the media.

‘The quantitative growth has not been matched by qualitative improvement. The pressure of competition has hobbled professionalism and encouraged some unhealthy trends in the media. Market forces are increasingly dictating the contents of the publications and online editions,’ he said.

The governor complimented the Reader’s Digest, which is in its 88th year of publication, for upholding the core values of journalism with which it was started in New York in 1922. He described the magazine as a ‘complete family magazine’.

He presented the Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand awards to the State Bank of India, Life Insurance Corp, Eureka Forbes and Air India among others.