New Delhi, May 22 (Inditop) A spell of mid-afternoon rain Friday brought some respite from heat for the residents of the capital. The mercury was likely to dip and humidity set to rise, the weatherman said.

According to Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) director S.C. Bhan, the rain that the capital witnessed was the result of a cyclonic circulation over Rajasthan.

“Although it was not much rain, it will provide much needed relief from the heat, as the temperatures will fall,” Bhan told Inditop.

Distraught with days of hot and humid weather residents were relieved when scant rains across the capital brought welcome coolth.

“It was getting too hot and sunny. Thank god for the rain. I could step out in the afternoon for the first time in days – and the weather was awesome!” said Arushi Sen, a sub-editor with a publishing house here.

The minimum temperature recorded early Friday was 30.1 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature will hover around 42 degrees Celsius, according to the Met office.

Bhan added that humidity had already reached above 60 percent in the capital Friday.

“The rains are likely to cause increased humidity during the coming days as well,” he said.

By rounak