New Delhi, Oct 1 ( India’s monsoon this year was the worst since 1972 with 24 percent less rainfall than average, according to official data released Thursday.

“Comparing the seasonal rainfall during 2009 with that in previous years, it is the most deficient year after 1972,” the earth sciences ministry said.

“The cumulative seasonal rainfall for the country as a whole is now 23 percent below the Long Period Average (LPA). During 1972, the seasonal rainfall was 24 percent below the LPA for the country as a whole,” it added.

The ministry said that rainfall is ‘much less’ in 59 percent of the over 600 districts in the country. It means there was less rain than average in around 360 districts.

“Considering district-wise rainfall during the period June 1 to Sep 30, the rainfall was excess in nine percent, normal in 32 percent, deficient in 51 percent districts and scanty in eight percent of total districts of the country,” it added.

Dividing the country into four broad zones, the statistics showed that the northwest region has suffered the most with a 36 percent deficit in rainfall this year. Areas like western Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan fall under this worst affected zone. The zone received around 690 mm of rains as against an average of over 892 mm of rains.

With 1,037.7 mm of rains, the northeast region is facing a 27 percent deficit, followed by central India that received around 795 mm of rains leading to a shortfall of 20 percent. The southern peninsula was the better off with just four percent of shortage.

The ministry, of which the India Meteorological Department (IMD) is part, said that monsoon has withdrawn from many parts of India and will gradually shift out of the country completely over the next few days.