New Delhi, Aug 4 (IANS) Tired of trawling the streets under the scorching sun for your shopping? Help is at hand — a 24-hour television shopping channel is coming to your rescue to enable you shop for branded items with the button of your TV remote.

Star CJ Network India has launched a 24-hour shopping channel ‘Star CJ Alive’ which brings brands like Satya Paul, Biba, Reebok, Adidas, Samsung, LG Electronics, Tanishq, and D’damas, among others, together for a fruitful shopping experience.

‘Television shopping has a very negative image in our society because the customers believe only inferior products are sold and an individual cannot rely on them. But we realized that even though the industry is still in its nascent stage, there lies a huge potential in the years to come,’ said Paritosh Joshi, CEO, Star CJ Network Private Limited at the launch of the channel here Wednesday.

‘In a socio-economic sense, we appeal to the higher class which is fairly premium, upscale market, but today, the main endeavour is to not compromise on the quality so we are excessively obsessed with quality and standard of the product.

‘Currently, we have centres in Mumbai, Nasik, Pune, Delhi and major cities of Punjab and Haryana,’ he added.

The customers can contact the call centre 365 days a year between 7.00 a.m. and 1.00 a.m. to place an order and they also have an option of cancelling their order within a week’s time.