Jammu, Nov 24 (Inditop.com) Indian Army Chief Gen Deepak Kapoor Tuesday said incidents of ceasefire violations, which were basically aimed at abetting cross-border incursions from Pakistan into Jammu and Kashmir, had come down compared to last year.
“Ceasefire violations by Pakistan are lesser than last year. Pakistan tries to push in more and more militants before winter sets in so they (Pakistan) resort to ceasefire violations,” the Army chief told media persons on the sidelines of the inauguration of the “Balidan Sthambh” war memorial here.
Kapoor said there were at least 42 terrorists camps in Pakistan-administered Kashmir across the Line of Control (LOC) and about 2,500 militants waiting to cross over to this side.
On the security situation, he said while the militants’ attacks on civilians have come down, there is increase in number of attacks on security forces, and appropriate action would be taken to deal with this.