New Delhi, Nov 9 ( Bills to introduce reforms in the education sector, including setting up an independent accrediting body, will be introduced in the next two sessions of parliament, Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal said here Monday.

“We are going to have a separate overarching agency and an accreditation system. We don’t call it (the overarching agency) a regulator, that is an erroneous phrase,” Sibal told reporters at the India Economic Summit of the World Economic Forum.

“Bills for setting up of the overarching body and the accrediting agency will happen by the budget session,” the minister added.

“The independent accrediting agency will look at institutions and point out their deficiencies and give them time to take care of those deficiencies within a time frame, and if they don’t, they will lose their recognition.”

Among the various bills pending is the foreign universities bill, aimed at monitoring the entry and functioning of foreign educational institutions.

“I hope to introduce a whole lot of other bills in this session (winter session of the Lok Sabha, which starts Nov 19),” added Sibal.

“We hope it goes through the cabinet and once it is passed, we will try to bring it in. This is what our attempt is.”