New Delhi, Aug 28 ( Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat Friday said he had not read expelled Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Jaswant Singh’s controversial book praising Pakistan founder Mohammad Ali Jinnah, but promised to read it soon and form his opinion.
In a conversation with reporters, unusual for an RSS leader, Bhagwat said: “I have not read the book; I haven’t got the time to read it, but I will read it.”
“When I have read it, I will also form an opinion,” Bhagwat said to a question on what he thought of Jaswant Singh’s book, “Jinnah – India, Partition, Independence”, The RSS is the ideological parent of the BJP.
Asked about senior Sangh leader H.V. Seshadri’s book, “Tragedy of Pakistan”, in which he has held India’s first home minister Sardar Patel also responsible for the partition, Bhagwat said: “He had only chronicled and analysed the events that took place (leading to partition).”
Both Seshadri and Jaswant Singh have held India’s first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel responsible for the partition of the country in 1947.
Singh was expelled from the party last week for his book praising Jinnah and also his interview to a news channel saying that Jinnah had been “demonized”.