New Delhi, Dec 27 (IANS) Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh Thursday sought a greater role for the states in formulating and implementing development schemes.

Speaking at the 57th National Development Council meeting in New Delhi, Singh who is heading the BJP government in the mineral-rich state since Dec 2003, demanded that the Planning Commission grant states the right to formulate and implement development schemes as centrally-sponsored schemes encroach on the resources of states.
“The strings of conditions attached to many centrally-sponsored schemes impinge on the autonomy of the states. Many of these so called reform initiatives, given the diverse socio-economic conditions and varying levels of development, may not be in the best interest of the people of the states,” he said in his speech at Vigyan Bhavan.
“I, therefore, urge that the plan document be recast in a manner that the design and implementation of all development schemes are left to the states; while the centre retains the role of providing normative financial support on agreed parameters,” Singh said.
Singh further stated that Chhattisgarh had set a growth target of 10 percent for the 12th Plan as against the Planning Commission’s target of 9.1 percent, which includes a growth target of five percent for agriculture and allied sectors, 10 percent for industry and 10 percent for services sector.
“It is a matter of pride for us that 9.1 per cent growth target set for Chhattisgarh for the Twelfth Plan is the highest in the country. In fact, we have set a higher target of 10 percent for ourselves,” Singh said.