New Delhi, Nov 23 ( The Lok Sabha was Monday adjourned for the day after a furious Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) repeatedly disrupted the house over demands that the government immediately table the Liberhan Commission of Inquiry report into the 1992 demolition of the Babri Masjid.
Shouting slogans against the government for leaking the report in a Delhi newspaper — that said senior BJP leaders, including Atal Bihari Vajpayee and L.K. Advani had been indicted — MPs gathered near the speaker’s podium and stalled proceedings.
Amidst the vociferous protest and slogan shouting, Deputy Speaker Karia Munda adjourned the house for the day.
The house had been adjourned twice before. It was first adjourned till 12 noon. When it reconvened, BJP members continued their stir and demanded that the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government table the report in the parliament. The house was then adjourned till 2 p.m. But the protests continued and the house was adjourned for the day.
The uproar had started as soon as the house met at 11 a.m. Following the BJP’s demands, backed by other opposition parties as well, Home Minister P. Chidambaram assured the house that there had been no leakage of the report. He stressed that there was only one copy of the report and that was with the home ministry.