New Delhi, April 19 ( For a voracious tweeter, Shashi Tharoor has not tweeted anything since the final run up to his resignation as minister of state for external affairs.

Tharoor was quite regular at updating his statements, work or visits with over 725,000 followers. However, there has been no update from him since Friday.

Tharoor quit Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s government Sunday after being linked to an Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket row.

He last tweeted Friday at 11.16 p.m. — when it was thought he was trying his best to weather the political storm.

“Thanks for all the support and good wishes. U (You) folks are the new India. We will ‘be the change’ we wish to see in our country. But not w’out (without) pain!,” he had said.

The next day, Saturday, Manmohan Singh returned to India after visiting the US and Brazil. On Sunday, Tharoor met him twice and resigned.