New Delhi, Dec 1 ( Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Sushma Swaraj Tuesday said the incident of Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee losing his temper during a debate over price rise in the Rajya Sabha was contrary to democratic practices.

“The government side should be more patient and it (senior ministers losing cool) does not look good. This is not in tune with democratic practices,” Sushma Swaraj told reporters in parliament premises.

The Rajya Sabha Tuesday witnessed noisy scenes over rising prices of essential commodities, infuriating the finance minister.

As the house convened, the Congress’ Rajiv Shukla asked for details about shooting prices of edible items and the steps taken by the government to check them.

Replying to the question, Mukherjee said the imbalance between the supply and demand of commodities like pulses, edible oil and sugar had led to the rise in prices.

Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) member Brinda Karat interrupted Mukherjee, asking what the government was doing to check the price of sugar, selling at Rs.40 per kg.

While Mukherjee was replying to her query, other members of the Left parties started shouting that the government had failed to check the prices of essential items.

Irked by the disruptions, Mukherjee said: “Don’t show your temper here, show your temper somewhere else.”

However, Sushma Swaraj speaking to reporters outside parliament said the members were not questioning Mukherjee’s capability.

“We are not questioning his efficiency. He is a very capable minister,” she said.