New Delhi, July 27 (IANS) As the Congress-led governments in Delhi and the centre pray for a successful Commonwealth Games, Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar Tuesday said he would be ‘unhappy’ if the Games were a success.

‘Personally, I will be unhappy if the Commonwealth Games are successful,’ Aiyar, a nominated Rajya Sabha member, told reporters outside parliament.

‘I am very happy with the rains, firstly because it will ensure a good agriculture for the country and secondly because it will ensure that the Commonwealth Games are spoilt,’ Aiyar said.

‘If the Commonwealth Games are successful, they will further organise Asian Games and other events… I will be happy if the Games are spoilt,’ he said.

Aiyar said the funds spent for the Oct 3-14 Games could have been utilised for ensuring a better sporting future for Indian children by providing them sports training.

‘Just imagine if we would have spent the Rs.35,000 crore in providing training to the children, we would have won medals in every international sporting event,’ Aiyar added.