London, Jan 26 ( Elin Nordegren exposed her husband Tiger Woods’ affair with a nightclub hostess by pretending to be the golfer when texting her, says a report. reports that the 34-year-old golf ace was unmasked as a serial sex cheat in November after crashing his car outside his Florida home following a huge bust-up with his wife Elin Nordegren, 30.

The full sequence of events on the night he met with the accident was unveiled Monday.

According to the reports, after a US magazine revealed Woods was having a fling with Rachel Uchitel, 34, the golfer let Elin speak to her on the phone in a bid to persuade her they were just friends.

But the next night, Nov 26, Elin texted his mistress pretending to be her husband.

She then heard the truth behind their relationship, sparking the violent row which ended with her chasing him down the drive with a golf club.

“Tiger convinced Uchitel to talk to Elin. They spoke by phone for half an hour and she was satisfied that the relationship was platonic,” the report claimed.

“The next day, after Woods fell asleep, Elin looked through his cell phone. There she found texts to Uchitel’s number. One said, ‘You are the only one I’ve loved.’

“Elin began texting Uchitel, pretending to be Tiger. Elin wrote, ‘I miss you, when are we seeing each other again?’

“Uchitel texted back, surprised Tiger was awake. At that point, Elin called Uchitel, who answered thinking it was Tiger. Elin said something like, ‘I knew it was you.’ Uchitel’s reply was ‘Oh f***’. She hung up immediately.”

Woods had earlier taken a prescribed drug to help him sleep and end the bickering, the report claims.

But enraged Elin then woke her husband and lashed out at him, chasing him out of the house. The shoeless star then drove down his driveway to escape but collided with a fire hydrant and a tree.

Woods has now checked into a sex addiction rehab centre in a bid to save his marriage.