New Delhi, Feb 17 ( Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit Wednesday released the Commonwealth Games Delhi 2010 Ecological Code that outlines ways to cut down on carbon emissions during the mega sporting event, laying stress on clean fuel, water conservation and waste management.

“For cleaner air, we have closed down one of our coal based power plants. Delhi’s (public) vehicles also run on CNG – that is one of the clean fuels. Besides that, we are also looking at hybrid vehicles to cut down on the use of petrol and diesel,” Dikshit told reporters here.

“We are focussing on recycling of waste generated during the Games and we have even asked the organising committee to use recycled paper stationary. Besides that, Delhi has a large green cover too,” Dikshit added.

“The Thyagraj Stadium (constructed by the Delhi government) is a model green stadium, which has been fully reconstructed, and will have its own gas-based power generation. We have also developed a number of forests. The number would reach 35-40 forests very soon,” she further said.

The government is also developing green areas around various venues and roads leading to the Games Village.

Suresh Kalmadi, the chairman of the Commonwealth Games Organising Committee (CGOC); and Shashi Tharoor, union minister of state for external affairs and chairman of the Green Games Sub-committee CGOC, were also present on the occasion.

Kalmadi said the code was a major step towards achieving the vision of Green Games.

“In order to realise this, it has developed a Green Games Vision whereby it would ‘Strive towards reducing consumption, carbon footprints and become the benchmark for the multidisciplinary games in future’,” Kalmadi added.

“Pedh hai to sher hai (If there are trees, there will be tigers),” Kalmadi said, particularly referring to Games mascot Shera.

The ecological code targets the impact of Games on land, energy, water, waste, air and carbon. It outlines the environmental vision and mandates of the CGOC.

“It provides tangible targets and environmental mandates that the organising committee has set out for itself in its quest for striving towards hosting a consumption and carbon neutral event, with a focus on bio-diverse plantation to naturally offset the carbon footprint and sensitisation efforts to ensure legacy impact,” said an official statement here.

The code emphasises extensive afforestation, energy conservation, reduction in water consumption, encouraging waste water treatment, waste management, encouraging the use of clean fuel and creating awareness among Delhiites towards preserving biodiversity.