Chennai, July 30 (IANS) In keeping with Gujarat’s rich billiards tradition, Dhvaj Haria emerged champion in the three-ball event at the Junior National Championship here Saturday as he topped the semi-final league ahead of State-mate Utsav Ramani.

Haria, who remained unbeaten in the semifinal league, thus achieved a double, having also won the sub-junior title earlier in the tournament.

There was a three-way tie for the second spot, and on the points countback Ramani emerged ahead of Malkeet Singh (UP) and Mundir Sherazi (Kar).

The results (semi-final league):

Dhvaj Haria (Guj) bt Malkeet Singh (UP) 965-645; Mundir Sherazi (Kar) bt Utsav Ramani (Kar) 808-724; Haria bt Ramani 801-713; Malkeet bt Sherazi 688-459; Haria bt Sherazi (Kar) 830-725; Ramani bt Malkeet 771-660;

Final Placing: 1. Dhvaj Haria; 2. Utsav Ramani; 3. Malkeet Singh; 4. Mundir Sherazi.