New Delhi, Dec 17 (Inditop) Former India captain Sourav Ganguly feels that the cricket team will not tour strife torn Pakistan for the next month’s series.”It is not right for me to say but I feel the tour is not on. Things are not right now for India to tour Pakistan,” Ganguly said on the sidelines of Bengal team’s practice session for the Ranji Trophy Plate semi-final against Goa at the Karnail Singh Stadium here Wednesday.

Ganguly, who led India to a historic series win in Pakistan 2003-04, is playing his last first class match at crucial juncture for the Bengal team. A win against Goa will ensure that Bengal are back in the Super Division League.

Asked whether the Indian team should show a similar gesture by going to Pakistan as England did by returning to India, Ganguly said: “England will not face similar security situation in India as we would face when we go to Pakistan. So it will be really tough for India to tour Pakistan.”

India are scheduled to play three Tests, five one-days and one Twenty20 International during the series.

The 36-year-old left handed batsman also said he was happy to see India win the Chennai Test.

“I saw the match, they played really well. I don’t miss cricket now. We have the capability to be the No.1 team. We have defeated South Africa, Australia and England at home. But our real test lies when we go out,” he said.